

5 secrets to create an effective marketing strategy

5 secrets to create an effective marketing strategy

 Finding new customers is an active task. You’re going to have to get out there, find them, and let them know you exist. And the only way to do that is by developing a solid marketing strategy. 

Here are the five steps you need, to create an effective marketing strategy!

1. Know your target customer

The first step in building your marketing strategy is to know who it is you’re marketing to and what their core drivers are. 

2. Research your competitors

No business exists in a vacuum. Even if you are the only brand on the market, in a very specific niche, you can be guaranteed that sooner or later you’re going to find yourself with some competition. And guess what? They’ll likely possess their own ideas about the best way to acquire customers. Study your competitors not so you can replicate their every move, but rather so you can find out what’s working for them (and do it better) and uncover untapped opportunities.

Read Also: Five indicators your business has a strong brand

3. Choose your channels

In order to get the return on investment you want from your new marketing strategy, it’s important to make deliberate, informed decisions about those channels providing the best ways to reach your target customers. Look into paid, owned & earned media channels! 

4. Break down your sales funnel

A great way to help you flesh out the details of your marketing strategy and figure out which marketing tactics and channels are right for you is to do a quick breakdown of your sales funnel.

At its most basic form, every sales funnel follows the AIDA format of “Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.”

5. Create SMART marketing goals

It’s always important to measure your Marketing goals & to stay on track! Focus on creating SMART marketing goals. These goals are specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and timely.

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Awuniey's 5 secrets to effective marketing strategy


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