

GIJ student made a post regarding Martin Amidu's letter, says it's likely to appear in examination, Lecturer replies

GIJ student made a post regarding Martin Amidu's letter, says it's likely to appear in examination, Lecturer replies

In the wake of  Martin Amidu's 27 paged response to the presidency which has gained a lot of mixed reactions, a GIJ student, identified as Naa Ninche, on a FB post said it is they, students of GIJ who are likely to suffer in examination as they will be asked to analyze the letter using development theories.

He wrote:

You see these letters from Martin Amidu and the Presidency? It is GIJ students who will carry the burden next semester.

Lecturers will ask us to analyze these letters using some theories bi. Imagine reading and analyzing a 27 paged reply from Martin Amidu.
Imagine Mr. Attawura asking fresh students to analyze this under development theories. 🙆🏾
Can both parties seize fire, at least for the sake of GIJ students please🙏🏾🙏🏾🤓"

A lecturer at the institute chanced upon it and replied in the comment section. The reply he gave generated lots of funny reactions from the student body.

The lecturer responded:

"Ohok. So this be your question for next semester Naa Ninche.

Underdevelopment in Africa, in recent times, has been blamed on poor leadership and high corruption in the civil service and the executive arm of government.

1. Using the modernization and dependency theories, depending on what your development ideologies are, analyze the Amidu-Addo letters.

2.. Which of these two characters actually ‘looks like the innocent flower but is the mother serpent of corruption’? Support your analysis with either Herman and Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent or Orwell’s Animal Farm."

After the above response from the lecturer, some pleaded with him to "forgive" whereas others laughed about it.

Some of the comments read:

"Oh! Forgive us our indefatigable Mr. Atawura. We have sinned, please forgive. Na this question dier, eeeiii🤣🤣🤣🤣"

"Charley me de3 I faint already. Wake me up when we are done writing 😂😂😂😂😂"

"Lol. Pleas accepted" The lecturer forgave.

We at must confess that it was really a funny development and shows a nice Lecturer-student friendly relationship.

See some screenshots below:


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