

ZongoVation Hub grabs "Muslim NGO of the year" award at GMAA

ZongoVation Hub grabs "Muslim NGO of the year" award at GMAA

The ZongoVation Hub won the Muslim NGO of the year at the 3rd edition of the Ghana Muslim Achievers Awards (GMMA) 2020 which took place at the Accra International Conference Centre on 11th December, 2020. 

The ZongoVation Hub is a community technology innovation hub dedicated to the development and growth of young entrepreneurs and startups in the Zongo communities across Ghana. 

They support young people with ideas to become entrepreneurs by providing them with all the necessary tools and networks.

"Together with our partners, we will offer a variety of classes and workshops on creative thinking, ideation techniques, ICT & Coding, social entrepreneurship, leadership, presentation skills, project management, data visualization

The ZongoVation Hub will become an environment for the incubation and acceleration of startups by young entrepreneurs. Office spaces will be provided to young entrepreneurs who will start and/or manage their startups at the Hub" they stated.


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