

A broken system like ours breaks even the strongest-willed person - Daniel McKorley

A broken system like ours breaks even the strongest-willed person - Daniel McKorley


When people first start their business, they have dreams of success and adding value to society. They are sure that sales will pour in, and they would be busy making a lot of money. After a few months, it dawns on them that their hopes, visions and dreams alone are not enough. They realize that being a business owner is not as easy as they once thought it would be. In my experience, I've seen several entrepreneurs start strong but quit along the way -- not because they weren't on the right path, but because that path seemed too hard. And too long.

And you can't entirely blame them. Working in a broken system like ours will break even the strongest-willed person. Even smart, better connected, more talented, and better-funded people have struggled to succeed with their ideas, projects and businesses. But that should not stop you from being persistent, determined and willing to work hard to see your ideas work out.

Yes, telling you about perseverance is easy. Because experiencing failure and being told to continue pursuing your dreams is easier said than done. But the men I stand with here have proved that it can be done. They built successful businesses despite challenges because they remained persistent. They kept at it, hour after hour, day after day, repetition after repetition, till they got it right. They all faced overwhelming difficulties, but they continued moving forward because their long-term success meant more to them than short-term inconveniences.

So as you start this next half of the year, don’t let the journey you’re on frustrate you. It’s hard, I know. But try have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge around that aim, work hard at it and have the perseverance to realise the results of it. Because truth is, success is a journey that many people have no perseverance or guts for. You will need to have both if you want to succeed.

Source: Daniel McKorley (McDan), Facebook


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