

Madina MP warns of nationwide boycott if E-levy is passed

Madina MP warns of nationwide boycott if E-levy is passed

 The MP for Madina, Hon. Francis-Xavier Sosu has warned of nationwide boycott if the controversial Electronic Transactions Bill (E-Levy) which is currently before Parliament is passed into law. 


In a tweet, Hon. Sosu stated “Like E-Levy, this government has always neglected to engage stakeholders before implementation of major policies hence their failure. Even if E-levy passes which I doubt, the widespread nationwide boycotts of Momo and e-transactions will only lead to another shameful u-turn.”


The Madina MP who has background in Economic Policy Management and Conflict, Peace and Security is worried that considering the twin challenges of unemployment and economic hardships, and recent coup d’etats in neighbouring Burkina Faso, Maliand Guinea, the passage of the E-levy could pose seriousthreats to Ghana’s security and democratic stability


The proposed E-Levy, if passed, will affect mobile money payments, bank transfers, merchant payments, and remittances into Ghana. The fee will be paid by persons originating the transaction, except for inward remittances where the recipient pays. Users would have no option but to pay, considering the mobile money’s widespread use in the country as a better alternative to cash. 


Consideration of the Electronic Transactions Levy (E-Levy) is expected to take place on Tuesday, February 1, 2022.

By Elvis Kumah Sampson


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