

First-year student of the University of Ghana drowns

First-year student of the University of Ghana drowns

A first-year student of the University of Ghana has reportedly drowned while swimming with some friends.
A report by said the incident happened on Saturday, January 29.

According to the news website, campus-based radio station, Radio Universe reported that the male student drowned after attempting a depth of 21 feet in the University of Ghana Swimming Pool.

The name of the deceased student is yet to be disclosed.

Currently, the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) across the country are on strike, so have reported to the various universities, teaching is not going on.

Meanwhile, the National Labour Commission (NLC)has gone to court to compel the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) to call off its ongoing strike

The NLC’s latest move follows the resolve by UTAG to continue its 3-week-old industrial action although the commission had declared it illegal.

UTAG members across the country have laid down their tools to demand better conditions of service but the NLC declared their action illegal on January 13, 2022.

15-member campuses of the Association however held independent emergency meetings and disagreed with the directive to return to the classroom.

Now, as all efforts to get the lectures back to the lecture halls have failed, the NLC is praying the court to force them to comply with its directive.

It remains to be seen whether or not UTAG will respect the decision of the court if it upholds the directive of the NLC asking them to call off the strike. The association has vowed to continue the strike until their demands are met by the government.

They have declared their preparedness to face the NLC in court on February 3, when the case is expected to be heard.

“We will be in court on February 3. The Commission gives a directive, but it is only a court that can enforce it.

“UTAG believes that we have made all the necessary documentation available to the Commission before embarking on a strike. Until our demands are met, we will continue the strike,” quoted UTAG as having said.

UTAG is seeking improvement in their annual research allowance because it is “critical to our research output, promotion and ultimately national development.”

They also want the 2013 Interim Market Premium (IMP) of 114% of Basic Salary restored.

According to UTAG, the current salary arrangement has reduced its members’ basic premiums to $997.84 instead of the 2012 conditions of service which put entry-level lecturers on a monthly pay of $2,084.42.


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