Achieving epidemic preparedness financing requires fulfilment of medium-term national development policy framework to address health emergencies
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerability of health systems globally, highlighting the need for robust public health emergency response mechanisms.
In Ghana, the Medium-Term National Development Policy Framework 2022-2025 proposes strategies for addressing health emergencies, with a particular focus on enhancing prevention, preparedness, and response.
One of the critical elements of this agenda is the establishment of a Public Health Emergency Fund (PHEF). This article examines the importance of PHEF in health emergency response and its relevance to Ghana's development policy framework.
Ghana has a long-standing history of responding to health emergencies, including the Ebola outbreak in 2014. However, the country has also experienced challenges, such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic, which exposed weaknesses in the health system and underscored the need for a more robust response. The Medium-Term National Development Policy Framework 2022-2025 seeks to build on the achievements and lessons from previous experiences and enhance the country's preparedness for future health emergencies.
Establishing PHEF
One of the proposals in the medium-term development framework is the establishment of a Public Health Emergency Fund (PHEF). The PHEF is expected to provide a reliable and sustainable source of funding for emergency response, ensuring that the country can respond timely and efficiently to health emergencies. The fund will be used to finance key activities, including the procurement of essential supplies such as personal protective equipment, drugs, and medical equipment, as well as support the deployment of human resources for health.
The establishment of PHEF is a critical investment in Ghana's health security, as it provides a stable source of financing for emergency preparedness and response, reducing the burden on the national budget. Moreover, it ensures that the country is not overly reliant on external support in times of crises, making Ghana more self-sufficient in emergency response.
Challenges to Establishing PHEF
The establishment of PHEF also presents some challenges that need to be addressed. One of the primary challenges is the sustainability of the fund, particularly how to ensure that it is adequately resourced and maintained. One proposed solution to this challenge is to leverage private sector contributions, which would not only increase funding but also create opportunities for private sector involvement in emergency preparedness and response.
Another challenge is ensuring that the fund's management is efficient and transparent, ensuring that resources are appropriately directed towards emergency response activities. One proposed solution to this challenge is to establish a robust accountability framework, including regular audits of fund management, to ensure that resources are optimized and utilized effectively.
Strengthening Emergency Preparedness and Response
The establishment of Public Health Emergency Fund (PHEF) complements other proposed initiatives aimed at strengthening emergency preparedness and response in Ghana.
These include the strengthening of disease surveillance and early warning systems, the establishment of public health emergency centers, and the development of response plans for key diseases, including COVID-19. Additionally, the framework seeks to enhance capacity building among health workers, local communities, and other stakeholders, ensuring that emergency response activities are conducted in a coordinated and efficient manner.
For Ghana to attain epidemic preparedness and response which is akin to securing a robust health system requires earmarking a separate and dedicated source of funding to finance disease outbreaks.
If we do not have a separate and dedicated source of funding which is in line with the Ghana’s Medium-Term National Development Policy Framework, we run the risk of having insufficient resources to combat an epidemic.
The government’s overall budget might be stretched thin, and we may not have the resources necessary to respond to a disease outbreak appropriately.
By setting aside a portion of the budget for epidemic preparedness, we can ensure that we have the necessary funds allocated to respond to the spread of diseases.
It is essential to earmark a dedicated source of funding as it provides a stable financial base when addressing epidemic situations.
The allocation of funds to finance disease outbreaks will enable the response team to be adequately equipped.
This should include investing in research and development for new treatments, technologies, and vaccines and providing the necessary equipment and personal protective gear for medical personnel. By having a stable financial base, it will be easier to attract the best talent and resources to respond to potential epidemics.
By funding epidemic preparedness, we can better anticipate the spread of diseases and prevent them from becoming widespread. Research on disease outbreaks should be a priority and this requires funding to enable the development and testing of medications, vaccines, and therapeutics that can help curb the spread of diseases. The funding will facilitate early detection and testing of potential outbreaks to reduce the spread of the disease and death. Adequate preparedness to monitor, control and treat a disease will also minimize the impact on the economy and society’s wellbeing.
Furthermore, a dedicated source of funding will create incentives for countries to implement better public health programs. For example, if the government provided funds to a locality that managed to keep a disease outbreak in check, it would encourage other localities to adopt similar measures. This will enhance the capacity and capability of the health sector, and create awareness within the community on the importance of good hygiene and early disease detection.
The establishment of a Public Health Emergency Fund (PHEF) is a vital element of Ghana's Medium-Term National Development Policy Framework 2022-2025.
PHEF provides a steady source of funding for emergency preparedness and response, ensuring that the country can respond timely and efficiently to health emergencies.
While the establishment of PHEF presents some challenges, they can be addressed through the implementation of appropriate strategies, such as leveraging private sector contributions and establishing a robust accountability framework.
The implementation of PHEF, coupled with other proposed initiatives aimed at strengthening emergency preparedness and response, will enhance Ghana's health security, ensuring that the country is better equipped to manage future health emergencies.
By Joseph Kobla Wemakor
The writer is an advocate of health, National SDGs Champion and Founder/Executive Director of Human Rights Reporters Ghana (HRRG)
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