

Meet the police horse rider who has mounted squadron in all state ceremonies since 1992

Meet the police horse rider who has mounted squadron in all state ceremonies since 1992


Regional Sergeant Major (RSM) Bawa Sunday is an officer of the Ghana Police Service attached to the Mounted Squadron Unit - № 28142.

He has since 1992 mounted the police horse in all state ceremonies including, Independence day parades, presidential swearing in parades and other state events.

№ 28142 RSM.  Born on 7th July 1964, Bawa Sunday hails from Navrongo in the Upper East Region and was enlisted as a horse rider into the Ghana Police Service on 4th February 1985.

He passed out on 1st September 1985 as a Constable Class 2.

He was posted to the Mounted Squadron Unit on 3rd December 1985 and rose through the ranks to become a Regional Sergeant Major.

He has served in the unit throughout his career for forty (40) years having served in various roles including supervising the stables and horses under his charge, grooming horses, and training in-house personnel.

He has also worked in the areas of visibility patrol and public order management

He is a role model to young house riders in the s


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