

Chevening Scholarship 2024/2025 Application

Chevening Scholarship 2024/2025 Application

Chevening Scholarship

The British Chevening Scholarship 2024/2025, which is fully funded, ranks among the top UK scholarships for international students. Applications for the 2023 session are now open online for the Chevening Scholarships. Chevening offers exceptional young leaders from around the globe the opportunity to pursue one-year master's degrees in the UK. While there isn't a "typical" Chevening Scholar, successful candidates often possess ambition, leadership skills, and notable academic achievements.

Chevening is the UK government's international awards initiative aimed at cultivating global leaders. Backed by the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) and various partner entities, Chevening provides two distinct recognitions: Chevening Awards and Chevening Fellowships. Winners for both are chosen by British high commissions and embassies worldwide.

British Chevening Scholarship 2024-2025

Country: United Kingdom

Organization: Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organizations.

Benefits of British Chevening Scholarship 2023-2024

- Fellows receive an economy class return ticket.

- Assistance with visa procedures is provided, and visa costs are refunded to fellows.

- Any quarantine expenses incurred by Chevening fellows will be reimbursed.

- Fellows will receive a substantial stipend for living expenses.

- Accommodation is arranged for participants.

- An allowance for books and food is provided.

- Departure allowance is disbursed with the final stipend payment to the fellow.

Eligibility Criteria of British Chevening Scholarship 2024/2025

 To qualify for a Chevening Scholarship, you must:

- Have at least 2 years (or 2800 hours) of work experience.

- Commit to returning to your home country for a minimum of two years after your award ends.

- Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country or territory.

- Hold an undergraduate qualification that allows entry into a UK postgraduate program by the time of application. This is often equivalent to a UK upper second-class 2:1 honors degree, but requirements may vary based on the course and university.

- Apply to three eligible UK universities and secure an unconditional offer from one by 15 July.

British Chevening Scholarship 2024/2025 Application Procedure

Chevening applications must be submitted through the Online Application System (OAS). This platform will be utilized throughout both the application and selection phases. You may need to periodically log back into the system to check your application status or provide additional documents.

We've compiled tips and information to assist you when using the online application software, HTML0:

1.) For optimal experience, use the Google Chrome web browser whenever possible. We advise using a laptop or PC instead of mobile devices.

2.) After completing your application, review it on a full-sized web browser. This ensures the format and layout are as you intended.

3.) Avoid using your browser's 'back' or 'forward' buttons, as this might exit the system and any unsaved work could be lost. Instead, navigate using the menus within the form.

4.) Remember your username and password. You'll need these to log back into the online application system.

5.) Fill out the application promptly and accurately, especially your contact details. Provide a valid email address. If you change your email after submitting the application, update it in the system to avoid missing crucial updates. If providing an alternate email, ensure it's genuine and different from the first one.

6.) Application forms can be time-consuming. Consider drafting your answers offline and pasting them into the online form later. If you do so, ensure you remove any duplicate questions to avoid repetition. This is especially important when working in public places, like internet cafes.

7.) Some application questions have word limits. Answers should be at least 100 words and no more than 500 words. Ensure your answers meet these criteria, as answers under 100 words won't be accepted.

8.) Save frequently. The system doesn't auto-save. Each session expires after 60 minutes of inactivity, and unsaved entries will be lost.

9.) You don't need to complete the application in one go. Use the Logout button (top right corner) and note your username and password to resume later. You can also access your account via a link sent to your email.

10.) Avoid plagiarism. Using materials from external sources without proper attribution can be deemed plagiarism and might result in your application being disqualified. An external agency screens eligible applications for originality. Ensure your answers are unique.

11.) Applications must be in English. Non-English submissions won't be considered.

12.) Before uploading, check the size, format, and type of documents. The system accepts only PDF, JPG, or PNG files under 5MB. Ensure file names are under 50 characters.

13.) Only submit your application when fully satisfied. Once submitted, you can't edit anything except the contact details and can only add supporting documents. Given the volume of applications expected, invest adequate time to create the best possible submission.

14.) You can only submit one application. Only your first submission will be considered. If you opt to withdraw your application, you must provide a reason before it's finalized. If withdrawn, you won't be eligible to apply the following year.

To Complete Your Application, Visit:


References play a crucial role in the Chevening selection process. When you submit your application, you must provide the names of two referees.

The Chevening Scholarship lasts for 12 months. If your course is shorter, the scholarship may end sooner. Extensions beyond 12 months are not permitted unless there are exceptional reasons.


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