

HRRG boss, Joseph Wemakor, declares 2023 his year of victory

HRRG boss, Joseph Wemakor, declares 2023 his year of victory


Joseph Wemakor, HRRG boss.

2023 has been dubbed the "Year of Victorious "3S"—Success, Shine, and Stardom" by Joseph Kobla Wemakor, one of the leading names in African journalism. 

Wemakor, a writer and human rights campaigner from Ghana, is no stranger to accomplishment; throughout his distinguished career, he has won numerous honours and accolades. 

While emphasising personal development and impact on the journalism industry, his aim for 2023 goes beyond prior accomplishments.

First, 'Success' as Wemakor sees it, is comprehensive. It isn't just about personal achievements or accolades. Wemakor's vision includes supporting other aspiring journalists via mentorship, contributing to moulding the next generation of newsmakers. 

His definition of 'success' also encompasses the betterment of journalism in Ghana and Africa, promoting free press, transparent reporting and making the world aware of the beautiful stories of resilience and triumph that come from Africa.

Second, 'Shine'. Wemakor believes that success only counts when it brings light to others' lives too. Shine for him, therefore, implies his work becoming more visible, sparking meaningful conversations, and inspiring change. Wemakor's journalism has often been characterized by his commitment to human rights. 

Therefore, his aim for his career to 'shine' in 2023 further underscores his dedication to sharing stories that can bring about a positive influence on society.

Lastly, 'Stardom' for Wemakor is instrumental, yet, humble. Rather than fame for its own sake, he views stardom as an opportunity to direct the spotlight towards issues that matter. His focus remains on making the voices of the unheard visible to the global audience. 

By using the platform that stardom provides, he hopes to impact societies beyond national borders – turning challenges into opportunities, despair into hope, and shadows into light.

In conclusion, Joseph Kobla

Wemakor 2023 – The Year of Victorious 3S: Success, Shine, and Stardom is a blueprint for not only personal growth but also for building a better journalistic culture that could positively influence society. 

Empowering journalism with integrity, spotlighting important issues, and using influence to enhance society truly represents Wemakor's distinguished approach to Success, Shine, and Stardom for the upcoming year.


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