

Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship 2024/2025 Application

Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship 2024/2025 Application

Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship 2024/2025 Application

The Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship for the 2024/2025 academic year is open to both South African and international students seeking financial support for their education. This scholarship encompasses opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate degree pursuits. If you aspire to advance your education at the bachelor's or master's level, this scholarship presents a valuable opportunity for you.

Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship 2024/2025 Application

Established in 1958 by the late Mr. Harry Oppenheimer in tribute to his father, Sir Ernest, the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust (OMT) has dedicated itself to creating a positive impact on South African society. It achieves this mission by actively investing in education, supporting public interest initiatives, and contributing to various philanthropic causes throughout the nation.

The Trust grants funding to public benefit organizations and institutions, with a primary focus on the education sector. Additionally, it provides support to the arts and various civil society organizations involved in policy research and advocacy efforts.

Fields Covered In Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship 2024/2025

The Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship for the 2024/2025 academic year comprises three distinct types of scholarships:

1. OMT Scholarship for Master's and Doctoral Studies: Encompasses postgraduate programs at local and international Higher Education Institutions for Master's and Doctoral levels of study.

2. OMT Scholarship for Postdoctoral Studies: Supports postdoctoral research at local and international Higher Education Institutions.

3. OMT Scholarship for Sabbatical Studies: Provides funding for full-time academics pursuing sabbatical study at public Higher Education Institutions in South Africa.

The scholarship's value will be determined based on each student's individual circumstances. However, it's important to note that this scholarship does not cover all costs, and students are encouraged to seek additional funding sources for any outstanding fees.

Scholarships are granted on an annual basis, and renewals are not automatic. Renewals will be contingent on academic performance, adherence to OMT's reporting requirements, and compliance with re-application procedures.

Eligibility Requirements for Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship 2024/2025 Application

- Prospective applicants are required to meet the following minimum eligibility criteria prior to applying. Please be aware that not satisfying all these requirements will result in your application being disqualified:

1) OMT Scholarship for Master's and Doctoral Studies:

- You may either be a South African citizen or a permanent resident in South Africa.

- You should be pursuing a Master's or Doctoral level qualification in the year 2024.

- Your chosen program of study should be conducted at a local or international Higher Education Institution.

- You must possess a commendable academic track record.

- Your career aspirations should align with academia, research, development, or related fields in South Africa.

- For international study applicants: You must exhibit exceptional qualities and demonstrate a compelling intent to undertake programs in unique or highly specialized disciplines where advanced studies are not readily accessible in South Africa. Alternatively, you should show that you have reached a level of proficiency where international instruction under the guidance of global leaders in your field is essential for meaningful progress in your chosen area of study.

2) OMT Scholarship for Postdoctoral studies:

- Eligibility extends to South African citizens, permanent residents in South Africa, or foreign nationals.

- Your academic pursuit should be focused on achieving a postdoctoral level qualification in 2024.

- You should be enrolled in a program at a local or international Higher Education Institution.

- A strong academic track record is a prerequisite.

- Your career goals should align with academia, research, development, or related fields in South Africa.

- For international study applicants: You should stand out as an outstanding candidate with well-defined and purposeful plans to undertake programs in unique or highly specialized disciplines not readily available in South Africa. Alternatively, you should demonstrate that you have reached a level of expertise where international instruction, guided by global leaders in your field, is necessary to make significant strides in your chosen area of study.

3) OMT Scholarship for sabbatical studies:

- You must be a full-time academic engaged in sabbatical study.

-Your study must take place at a public Higher Education Institution in South Africa.

- Applicants with a well-demonstrated history of teaching and research will receive preference.

How To Apply For Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship 2024/2025

Applications should be exclusively submitted through the online platform at:

Please attach clear copies of the necessary documents listed below with your completed application form. Omitting any of these could lead to your application being rejected:

1) OMT Scholarship for Masters and Doctoral studies:

- Identification document, permanent residence permit, or passport.

- Recent professional photograph.

- An updated Curriculum Vitae, limited to a maximum of 3 pages.

- Academic transcripts for all completed or ongoing degrees and programs.

- Certified copies of degree certificates.

- Proof of acceptance or registration (on institutional letterhead).

- Detailed information regarding your intended study, including the degree, program of study, chosen institution, and study period.

- Documentation outlining research or project-related expenses and corresponding funding.

- A budget outlining estimated annual expenses for studies, covering tuition fees, living costs, travel, books, subsistence, and other relevant expenses.

- Information about any funding applications that have been applied for but not yet approved.

- A motivational letter, not exceeding 500 words, addressing: personal background, schooling, general interests, personal philosophy, values, priorities, passions, short to medium-term plans and priorities, and career goals.

- Proof of income.

- Three letters of recommendation from referees familiar with your current work and study plans who can vouch for your academic achievements. These should be uploaded directly to the application portal by your referees.

2) OMT Scholarship for Postdoctoral studies:

- Certified copy of ID, permanent residence permit, or passport.

- Recent professional pictures.

- Current CV (up to 3 pages).

- Transcripts for all degrees and courses, finished or ongoing.

- Certified copies of degree certificates.

- Confirmation of acceptance or enrollment (on institution's letterhead).

- Overview of planned study: degree type, program, chosen school, study duration, etc.

- Project-related expenses and related funding.

- Projected budget detailing yearly study expenses like tuition, living, travel, books, etc.

- Pending funding applications.

- Personal statement outlining: 1) background, education, interests, and beliefs; 2) reasons for pursuing your research career; 3) expected personal and community benefits; 4) career goals (max 500 words).

- Income verification.

- Three recommendation letters from those familiar with your work and academic accomplishments (referees to upload directly to the application site).

3) OMT Scholarship for sabbatical studies:

- Professional photo (3cm x 4cm).

- Current CV (up to 4 pages).

- Personal statement detailing: 1) a short background including your academic journey; 2) reasons for pursuing a career in your research domain; 3) personal and community advantages; 4) career goals and personal dreams; 5) role to assume after the sabbatical (max 500 words).

- Study plans overview.

- Official confirmation or offer documents (such as invitations, sabbatical confirmations from your university, or collaborator offer letters).

- Estimated study budget: yearly costs for tuition, living, travel, books, etc.

- Income verification.

- Summary of your top 2 or 3 publications.

- Three recommendation letters from individuals familiar with your work and academic progress (referees to upload directly to the application platform).


This is an excellent opportunity. If it aligns with your academic goals, consider applying; you won't regret it.


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