

Top Ten Universities that Offers Free Scholarship in the USA

Top Ten Universities that Offers Free Scholarship in the USA

international Students

The United States is a premier destination for students seeking a high-quality and globally recognized education. I've compiled a list of the top ten universities in the USA that offer scholarships, as well as those provided by the US government and other institutions.

Below are the Top Ten Universities that Offers Free Scholarship in the USA

  1. Fulbright Foreign Student Program in USA
  2. Hubert Humphrey Fellowships in USA for International Students

  3. American University Emerging Global Leader Scholarship

  4. Berea College Scholarships for International Students

  5. Colby-Sawyer College Scholarships

  6. Clark Merit Scholarships

  7. Concordia College Scholarships

  8. The East-West Center

  9.  Illinois Wesleyan University International Students Scholarships

  10. Iowa State University International Merit Scholarships

1) Fulbright Foreign Student Program in USA

The Fulbright Program offers full scholarships in the USA for international students pursuing a Master's or PhD degree. These scholarships can also be provided for non-degree postgraduate studies. The grant covers tuition, textbooks, airfare, a living allowance, and health insurance.

How to Apply Fulbright Foreign Student Program

Applications for the Foreign Student Program are handled by bi-national Fulbright Commissions/Foundations or U.S. Embassies. As such, international students should apply through the Fulbright Commission/Foundation or U.S. Embassy in their respective countries. The deadline varies by country, typically falling between February and October each year.

To start your Application, visit:

2) Hubert Humphrey Fellowships in USA for International Students

The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program offers a year of professional development in the United States for seasoned professionals from specified countries worldwide. Selection is based on leadership potential and a dedication to public service in either the public or private arena. The fellowships encompass full grants that cover all associated costs.

How to Apply Hubert Humphrey Fellowships in USA for International Students

The application deadlines differ by country, typically landing between May and September annually. The nominating U.S. Embassy or Binational Fulbright Commission will inform you of its specific deadline for application submissions. By 1 October, these Embassies and Commissions need to forward their nominations to the Institute of International Education office in Washington, DC.

For Hubert Humphrey Fellowships in the USA for International Students, follow this link to the official website:

3) American University Emerging Global Leader Scholarship

American University offers scholarships to outstanding international students aiming for a Bachelor’s Degree at the University and committed to driving positive societal and civic changes. It's designed for students planning to return and uplift underserved and under-resourced communities in their homeland. The AU EGL scholarship covers all chargeable AU costs (including full tuition, room, and board) for ONE international student requiring a visa, ideally an F-1 or J-1, to study in the United States.

How to Apply American University Emerging Global Leader Scholarship

To be considered for the AU Emerging Global Leader Scholarship, complete the AU EGLS application, Common or Coalition Application, and the international admissions process either by 15 December 2023 (priority deadline) or no later than 15 January 2024. Applicants for the AU EGLS must opt for the Regular Decision for fall (August) 2023 and should avoid the Early Decision (ED) option.

For the application form and comprehensive application details, visit the official website:

4) Berea College Scholarships for International Students

Every international student admitted receives financial aid and scholarships that fully cover tuition, room, board, and fees for their first year. In the following years, international students are anticipated to set aside $1,000 (US) for their expenses. To help them fulfill this requirement, the College offers summer employment opportunities.

How to Apply Berea College Scholarships for International Students

Complete applications should be submitted by 15 January at the latest, with an early application deadline of 15 October. The academic year commences the subsequent August.

Submit Your Application at:

5) Clark Merit Scholarships

Clark University presents the esteemed Clark Presidential Scholarships, designed for students who excel academically and showcase significant leadership potential. This distinguishes them as the elite within Clark’s group of applicants. Each year, about five students receive this scholarship, which includes complete tuition, on-campus housing, and meals for the entire four-year period, irrespective of the family's financial circumstances.

How to Apply Clark Merit Scholarships

For the Clark Merit Scholarships application, visit:

6) Colby-Sawyer College Scholarships

Colby-Sawyer College offers merit-based financial aid to international students. The scholarship amount is determined by academic performance, as gauged by GPA, and can reach up to $8,000 annually. Note that the college doesn't cover the full financial requirement.

How to Apply Colby-Sawyer College Scholarships

To apply for scholarships at Colby-Sawyer College, please visit their official website:

7) Concordia College Scholarships

Concordia values the diverse perspectives brought by international students and is delighted to offer them limited financial support. The International Student Scholarship considers both academic performance and familial financial need, with awards up to $16,000 annually. Additionally, the International Excellence Scholarships, which are merit-driven, are available to new international students or those transferring. These scholarships can last up to four years, ranging between $8,000 and $16,000 each year.

How to Apply Concordia College Scholarships

For Concordia College Scholarship applications, please visit the official page:

8) The East-West Center

The East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship offers financial support for a duration of up to 24 months for Master's or Doctoral candidates from Asia, the Pacific, and the U.S. This fellowship allows students to engage in the East-West Center's educational, residential, and leadership initiatives while undertaking graduate studies at the University of Hawai’i.

How to Apply The East-West Center

To apply to the East-West Center, please visit their official website:

9) Illinois Wesleyan University International Students Scholarships

Illinois Wesleyan University offers merit-based scholarships to eligible international candidates who demonstrate exceptional academic performance and impressive test scores on requisite entrance examinations. These scholarships vary from $16,000 to $30,000 annually and can be renewed for a total of four years. Furthermore, each year, there's a possibility for two international students to receive the full-tuition President’s International Student Scholarships, which covers up to four years of study.

How to Apply

For the Illinois Wesleyan University International Students Scholarships application, please check the official website:

10) Iowa State University International Merit Scholarships

International first-year students have the opportunity to be considered for a select number of merit scholarships at Iowa State University. Selection is competitive and takes into account a comprehensive review of SAT or ACT scores along with high school grades. These scholarships vary between $2,000 and $10,000 annually and can be renewed.

How to Apply

To apply for the Iowa State University International Merit Scholarships, please go to the official website:


The United States, a top choice for international students, provides diverse educational avenues across numerous disciplines. Yet, the substantial tuition and living costs can be daunting for many. It's essential to be aware of prominent US universities that offer scholarships and financial assistance to international students. Utilizing these scholarships can significantly aid in advancing your education.


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