

UNESCO Young Professionals Programme 2023

UNESCO Young Professionals Programme 2023


UNESCO Young Professionals Programme 2023

The UNESCO Young Professionals Programme 2023 is a recruitment initiative aiming to improve geographical representation and promote gender parity in the Organization at the international level. This program provides talented, highly qualified university graduates and young professionals from non- and under-represented Member States the opportunity to join UNESCO at the early stage of their professional careers.


UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It seeks to build peace through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture.

UNESCO's programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015. 

Political and economic arrangements of governments are not enough to secure the lasting and sincere support of the peoples. Peace must be founded upon dialogue and mutual understanding. 

Requirements for UNESCO Young Professionals Programme 

  • Nationality: Candidates should be nationals from non- and under-represented Member States at UNESCO.
  • Age:  Less than 32 years (inclusive).
  • Education: an advanced university degree in education, culture, science, social and human sciences or communication, or in a field related to the management and administration of an international organization. This will be specified in the vacancy announcement.
  • Languages: fluent English or French. Knowledge of both working languages is an asset. Knowledge of Spanish, Russian, Arabic or Chinese is an additional asset.
  • Previous experience: initial professional experience is an asset, but not mandatory.
  • Screening

All applications are reviewed by a committee which will establish a shortlist based on

Academic qualifications

  • Motivation/statement of interest
  • Presentation of the application
  • Language and writing skills
  • Level of professional experience.
Interviews and evaluation

The shortlisted candidates will be required to attend a video interview followed by a panel interview. The interviews provides candidates with an opportunity to demonstrate their communication skills, team spirit, analytical skills, sense of initiative, creativity, flexibility and adaptability.

In addition to interviews, tests may be required to determine the related competencies as well as the level of proficiency in the working languages of UNESCO (English and French).

  • Decision

UNESCO will send a letter of appointment to successful candidates. In the other case, UNESCO will inform the interested National Commissions and Permanent Delegations.

Application Deadline for UNESCO Young Professionals Programme 2023 

the deadline for UNESCO Young Professionals Programme 2023 has no deadline,

How to Apply

Qualified? Click Here to apply!
  • Candidates send their applications to the National Commission or the Permanent Delegation of their country of citizenship. National Commissions and Permanent Delegations review all applications and submit a list of candidates to the Bureau of Human Resources Management at UNESCO.
  • UNESCO does not accept applications sent directly to the Organization.

visit the UNESCO website For more details.


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