

ScholarFjällräven Field Grant (Up to $5,000) 2023-2024

ScholarFjällräven Field Grant (Up to $5,000) 2023-2024


Fjällräven Field Grant (Up to $5,000) 2023-2024

The Explorers Club, in collaboration with the renowned Swedish outdoor gear and clothing company Fjällräven, is excited to announce the ScholarFjällräven Field Grant for the academic year 2023-2024.

This unique grant program is designed to elevate excellence in field exploration through scientific research, aligning with the shared values of conservation, education, community, and the preservation of the instinct to explore. 

The collaboration proudly launches another round of the Fjällräven Field Grants, providing financial support for exploration and research aimed at better understanding our environment, a changing climate, and the intricate interconnectivity of wildlife and civilizations around the planet.

About Explorers Club

The Explorers Club stands as an American-based international multidisciplinary professional society dedicated to promoting scientific exploration and field study. 

Founded in New York City in 1904, the club has been a pivotal meeting point for explorers and scientists worldwide. 

Its inception was a response to the call of noted journalist, historian, and explorer Henry Collins Walsh, with the goal of uniting explorers and promoting exploration work across various domains. 

Today, the Explorers Club continues to be a beacon for those passionate about unraveling the mysteries of the world through rigorous scientific inquiry.

Benefits of Fjällräven Field Grant

The ScholarFjällräven Field Grant aims to foster scientific exploration and research by offering grant awards of up to $5,000. This financial support is instrumental in facilitating groundbreaking fieldwork that contributes to the understanding of our environment, addresses challenges in conservation, and explores the vast realms of the natural sciences. The benefits of the Fjällräven Field Grant include:

  • Financial Support: Successful applicants will receive grant awards of up to $5,000 to fund their scientific fieldwork.
  • Recognition and Networking: Awardees become part of an esteemed community of explorers and scientists, gaining recognition for their contributions and expanding their network within the scientific community.
  • Contribution to Sustainability: The grant aligns with Fjällräven's mission to inspire and enable more people to spend time in nature by supporting projects that have minimal impact on the environment.

Requirements for Fjällräven Field Grant Qualificatio

To be eligible for the ScholarFjällräven Field Grant, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Educational Status: You should be a graduate or post-graduate student or an early-career scientist
  • Field of Study: Your scientific fieldwork should be in the domains of conservation, the environment, or the natural sciences.

 Application Deadline

The application deadline for the ScholarFjällräven Field Grant is November 15, 2023.

How to Apply

If you are interested and meet the eligibility criteria, you can initiate the application process by visiting the Explorers Club Grant Portal. Take this opportunity to propel your scientific exploration and research endeavors by applying for the ScholarFjällräven Field Grant.

Fjällräven and The Explorers Club: A Shared Vision

The collaboration between Fjällräven and The Explorers Club is grounded in a shared vision of understanding the world we live in. Both entities are committed to supporting and promoting a sustainable future through exploration and research. 

Fjällräven, in particular, goes beyond financial support by enabling and inspiring more people to spend time in nature. This is achieved through the creation of products that have minimal impact on the environment and are designed to withstand a lifetime of use.

ScholarFjällräven Field Grant: Empowering the Next Generation of Explorers

The ScholarFjällräven Field Grant is not just a financial opportunity; it is a pathway to empowerment for the next generation of explorers and scientists. Here's how this grant goes beyond the monetary value and contributes to the broader landscape of exploration and research:

  • Funding Innovative Research:

The grant provides financial support to facilitate innovative research projects in the fields of conservation, the environment, and the natural sciences. It enables scholars to embark on ambitious fieldwork that has the potential to generate impactful findings.

  • Building a Community of Scholars:

Awardees of the ScholarFjällräven Field Grant become part of a distinguished community of scholars and explorers. This community offers a platform for collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and networking, fostering a supportive environment for intellectual growth.

  • Promoting Sustainable Practices:

The collaboration with Fjällräven underscores a commitment to sustainability. By supporting projects that align with minimal environmental impact, the grant contributes to the broader conversation on sustainability within the scientific community.

  • Inspiring Future Generations

The grant not only supports current exploration endeavors but also serves as an inspiration for future generations. It encourages a mindset of curiosity, resilience, and a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of our planet.

  • Recognizing Excellence:

Being a recipient of the ScholarFjällräven Field Grant is a recognition of excellence in the field of scientific exploration. It acknowledges the commitment, dedication, and potential impact of the scholar's work on the broader understanding of our world.

In conclusion, the ScholarFjällräven Field Grant stands as a beacon of opportunity for those dedicated to advancing scientific exploration and research. 

It is a partnership between The Explorers Club and Fjällräven that goes beyond financial support, aiming to empower and inspire the next generation of explorers. 

By supporting projects in conservation, the environment, and the natural sciences, the grant contributes to the collective knowledge that shapes our understanding of the world.

As the application deadline approaches on November 15, 2023, aspiring scholars and early-career scientists are encouraged to seize this opportunity.

 Apply, not just for the financial support, but to become part of a community driven by a passion for exploration, scientific inquiry, and the shared values of conservation and sustainability.

Follow The Explorers Club and Fjällräven for updates on this grant program and other initiatives aimed at fostering excellence in exploration and research. The journey of discovery awaits; embrace the opportunity to be a ScholarFjällräven and make a lasting impact on the future of scientific exploration.

Follow us on Facebook @ for more educational and scholarship opportunities, ensuring you stay informed about avenues that could further enhance your career aspirations.


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