

Africa CDC AMR Advocacy Photo Contest 2024

Africa CDC AMR Advocacy Photo Contest 2024


Africa CDC AMR Advocacy Photo Contest 2024

Capturing Change: Africa CDC Advocacy Photo Contest at CPHIA 2023

In the dynamic landscape of public health, the annual International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA) serves as a vital platform for leaders across the continent to engage in reflection, learning, and collaborative endeavors. 

As anticipation builds for CPHIA 2023, the stage is primed for an exploration of how Africa is actively breaking down barriers, strengthening its position as a scientific and innovative powerhouse, and showcasing unparalleled progress.

This conference, hosted by the African Union, is dedicated to the pursuit of a New Public Health Order. It aspires to contribute significantly to forging a healthier and more prosperous Africa, with far-reaching implications for the betterment of our global community. 

As we embark on this transformative journey, CPHIA 2023 holds the promise of shaping a future where health is a cornerstone of societal advancement, fostering positive change on a continental and worldwide scale.

The Africa CDC Advocacy Photo Contest: A Call for Change

In a multifaceted approach to advancing public health, Africa CDC is harnessing the strength of artistic expression with the launch of an AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance) photo competition. 

The chosen theme, "Preventing Antimicrobial Resistance Together," underscores the interconnected relationship between humans, animals, and the environment in safeguarding our collective health.

This initiative seeks to visually highlight the profound interdependence of our well-being and to ignite inspiration for collective action against the rising threat of antimicrobial resistance. 

By encouraging participants to capture and convey the collaborative efforts needed to combat this global health challenge, the photo competition becomes a powerful tool for advocacy and awareness.

Through the lens of artistic expression, Africa CDC aims to stimulate meaningful conversations and drive positive change in the ongoing battle against antimicrobial resistance.

Program Overview

The heart of the matter lies in understanding the legacy of the MBA program at the University of Oxford. This program stands as a testament to the institution's commitment to developing leaders. 

By providing a solid foundation in core business principles, the MBA equips participants with not only a global perspective but also the strategic skills needed to thrive in their careers.

Benefits of Africa CDC Photo Contest

The benefits of participating in the Africa CDC Advocacy Photo Contest are twofold. In the first phase, five regional winners will be offered the unique CPHIA Experience in Zambia, Lusaka. 

This provides a golden opportunity for winners to interact with AMR stakeholders, broadening their perspectives and knowledge. In the second phase, the continental winner will receive an AMR Advocacy Contest Certificate and will be appointed as one of the Youth Africa CDC AMR champions.

Learning Objectives

The University of Oxford's MBA program emphasizes fundamental and real-world skills, fostering the development of logical, lateral, and independent thinking. 

Participants are encouraged to shape and define their career goals through industry-specific electives. The program also places a strong emphasis on teamwork, leadership, entrepreneurship, conflict management, negotiation, and strategy building.

Requirements for Africa CDC AMR Advocacy Photo Contest 2024

The Africa CDC Advocacy Photo Contest is open to students aged 18 to 25 across Africa. To ensure the appropriateness and relevance of submissions, there are exclusion criteria for photographs containing inappropriate themes. 

Additionally, photographs must be submitted with a completed Consent and Declaration form. The ownership of the photographs remains with the participant, but by entering the contest, participants grant Africa CDC permission to use and display the photographs in various formats.

Application Process and Evaluation for Africa CDC AMR Advocacy Photo Contest 2024

The application process involves submitting a photograph along with essential details such as the author's name, date, place, and a title. An accompanying text explaining the nature of the photograph and its relation to the AMR theme is also required. 

The evaluation process considers the quality of the photo, emotional impact, storytelling, and its relevance to the main theme of the event.

Important Dates and How to Apply

The application deadline for Africa CDC AMR Advocacy Photo Contest 2024 is November 14, 2023. Interested individuals can apply by submitting their photo and required documents through the provided submission link: [Submit Your Photo]

It's crucial to provide accurate information in the word format, ensuring the submission aligns with the specified requirements.

To participate in the Africa CDC Advocacy Photo Contest, aspiring photographers must provide the following details in a Word format:

  • Author’s name
  • Date of the photograph
  • Place of the photograph (Location, Country)
  • Title of the photograph
  • Accompanying text explaining the nature of the photograph and how it relates to the AMR Side event theme (100 words)

Ensure your submission includes the photo, the Word document describing the photograph, and a signed consent form.

For any queries or further assistance, reach out via email at,, or

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