

Wenner-Gren Foundation Wadsworth African PhD Fellowships In Anthropology 2024

Wenner-Gren Foundation Wadsworth African PhD Fellowships In Anthropology 2024

Wenner-Gren Foundation Wadsworth African PhD Fellowships In Anthropology 2024

Empowering African Scholars: The Wadsworth African PhD Fellowships in Anthropology 2024

In the pursuit of advancing anthropological research and nurturing academic talent, the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc. proudly announces the Wadsworth African PhD Fellowships in Anthropology for the year 2024. 

Aimed at supporting African students in obtaining a Ph.D. in anthropology, including biological anthropology and archaeology, at South African universities, this fellowship opens doors to international-level training. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of the fellowship, shedding light on its benefits, requirements, and the application process.

About the Wenner-Gren Foundation

Situated in the vibrant city of New York, the Wenner-Gren Foundation is a private operating foundation with a steadfast commitment to advancing anthropology on a global scale. Recognized as a major international funding source for anthropological research, the foundation actively engages with the anthropological community through various grant, fellowship, conference, and capacity-building programs.

Wadsworth African PhD Fellowships in Anthropology: A Gateway to Excellence

The Wadsworth African PhD Fellowships in Anthropology are designed to provide crucial support to African scholars pursuing a Ph.D. at South African universities.

 The chosen institutions, currently prioritizing the University of Witwatersrand and the University of Cape Town, ensure top-tier international training in anthropology.

Benefits of Wenner-Gren Foundation Wadsworth African PhD Fellowships In Anthropology 2024

One of the standout features of the Wenner-Gren Foundation Wadsworth African PhD Fellowships In Anthropology 2024 is its annual award of $17,500, which can be utilized for various purposes, including travel, living expenses, tuition, student fees, insurance, books, research expenses, and other relevant categories of expenditure.  

Additionally, successful applicants can apply for an extra year of funding to support their dissertation write-up.

Eligibility Criteria for Wenner-Gren Foundation Wadsworth African PhD Fellowships In Anthropology 2024

The fellowship targets young African scholars who face financial constraints in pursuing a doctoral degree in anthropology. To be eligible, applicants must be under 35 years old when commencing their fellowship, citizens and residents of an African country, and members of an underrepresented group in academic anthropology/archaeology. 

Applicants must demonstrate their reasons for choosing a Host Institution, with priority given to the University of Witwatersrand and the University of Cape Town. 

Each Host Institution can have a maximum of two active Wadsworth African fellows, with one fellow per department expected.

It is important to note that applicants who have progressed beyond their first year of doctoral studies are ineligible. 

Those with prior training at a South African university must explain changes in funding circumstances and insufficient resources to complete their degree.

Key Components of the Application Process

Applicants must have a pending application for doctoral admission at a South African institution and a Host Sponsor from the institution overseeing their training. 

A Home Sponsor, affiliated with the institution where the applicant received prior degrees, must also provide a letter of reference.

To maintain fairness, applicants may submit only one application per funding season and should not apply through multiple Host Institutions simultaneously. The Foundation prioritizes applicants from departments with multiple applications and contacts the department to determine priority for potential funding.

Selection Criteria for Wenner-Gren Foundation Wadsworth African PhD Fellowships In Anthropology 2024

The Foundation seeks talented scholars who demonstrate potential for advancing anthropology in their home countries. 

Priority is given to applicants from underrepresented groups in academic anthropology, emphasizing academic excellence in prior training.

The reference from the Host Sponsor carries considerable weight, urging applicants to establish contact and develop a meaningful program of training and study.

Furthermore, a well-articulated plan for training and research goals enhances an applicant's chances, emphasizing a strong alignment between the Host Institution, Host Sponsor, and research objectives.

Application Deadline and Process

With the application deadline set for December 15, 2023 for the Wenner-Gren Foundation Wadsworth African PhD Fellowships In Anthropology 2024, interested and qualified individuals can apply through the Wenner-Gren Foundation website here

Final decisions are made by January 15, with application materials available three months before the deadline. Applicants must use the most recent application form, submit materials online, and send two printed copies by regular mail to the Foundation.


The Wadsworth African PhD Fellowships in Anthropology stand as a beacon of hope for aspiring African scholars seeking to make a mark in the field of anthropology. 

By providing financial support and access to top-notch international training, the Wenner-Gren Foundation contributes significantly to the advancement of anthropological research. 

As the application deadline approaches, eligible individuals are encouraged to seize this opportunity to embark on a transformative academic journey that holds the promise of shaping the future of anthropology in Africa.

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