

UN Global Compact Business & Human Rights Accelerator Program 2024

UN Global Compact Business & Human Rights Accelerator Program 2024


UN Global Compact Business & Human Rights Accelerator Program 2024

Transforming Commitment into Action: UN Global Compact Business & Human Rights Accelerator Program 2024

The concept of human rights is profound yet simple: the inherent right of every individual to be treated with dignity. In the realm of business, companies wield significant influence over human rights, extending to their employees, contract workers, supply chains, local communities, and even end users. This influence spans the entire spectrum of internationally recognized human rights, making it both a responsibility and an opportunity for companies to champion human rights across their operations.

The UN Global Compact's Business & Human Rights Accelerator is a groundbreaking six-month program designed to activate companies within the Global Compact. 

This initiative spans industries and regions, aiming to propel businesses from mere commitment to impactful action on human rights and labor rights. The core focus lies in establishing a continuous human rights due diligence process, aligning with international standards.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. UN Global Compact Business & Human Rights Accelerator Program

3. Learning Focus Areas

4. Benefits of the Program

6. Application Details

7. Conclusion

Objectives of the UN Global Compact Business & Human Rights Accelerator Program 2024

The overarching objectives of the program are to:

  •  Swiftly transition companies from commitment to tangible action on human rights and labor rights.
  • Establish an ongoing human rights due diligence process within participating companies.

  • Ensure companies can demonstrate their support for and adherence to the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.

Learning Outcomes

Participating companies will delve into key learning areas:

  • Identifying Responsibilities: Understand your company's responsibilities in respecting human rights and labor rights, as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
  • Establishing Due Diligence Process: Learn how to establish an ongoing human rights due diligence process in accordance with international standards.
  • Reporting and Communication: Develop skills in reporting and communicating your human rights due diligence journey, including meeting the Communication on Progress requirement—an annual public disclosure for all UN Global Compact participants.

Benefits of UN Global Compact Business & Human Rights Accelerator Program 2024

  1. Holistic Understanding: Gain insight into your company's position on its human rights journey.
  2. Impact Assessment: Assess actual and potential adverse human rights impacts, enabling prioritization of action.
  3. Mitigation Strategies: Acquire the ability to mitigate human rights impacts, including the implementation of grievance mechanisms and remedy measures
  4. Stakeholder Engagement: Learn effective ways to engage stakeholders on business impacts, fostering a collaborative approach.
  5. Action Plan Development: Craft a comprehensive action plan to advance human rights within your company and beyond.
  6. Networking Opportunities: Build a network of peers, engage with UN partners and experts, fostering collective efforts to overcome barriers to human rights due diligence.
  7. Certificate of Completion: Receive a certificate upon program completion, showcasing your commitment to advancing human rights.

Qualification Requirements for UN Global Compact Business & Human Rights Accelerator Program 2024

  • Companies interested in the Business & Human Rights Accelerator should meet the following criteria:
  • Be participants of the UN Global Compact or express willingness to join.
  • Currently engaged with a Global Compact Local Network in their region or willing to join.
  • Willing to identify human rights impacts and scope a core area of the value chain for further focus.
  • Able to appoint two representatives to participate in Accelerator activities and peer-learning sessions.
  • An executive-level representative should follow Accelerator developments, provide support, and participate in high-level events.

Application Details for UN Global Compact Business & Human Rights Accelerator Program 2024

Deadline for UN Global Compact Business & Human Rights Accelerator Program 2024 is December 15, 2023.

Application Process for UN Global Compact Business & Human Rights Accelerator Program 2024:

1. Visit the UN Global Compact Application Portal here to apply.

The UN Global Compact's Business & Human Rights Accelerator Program transcends mere education; it stands as a resounding call to action, urging companies to integrate human rights principles at their core. This initiative is not a passive endeavor but a dynamic commitment to instill human rights values within the very fabric of businesses. 

Embracing this program enables companies to translate their avowed dedication to human rights into a tangible, continual process. Serving as a practical guide, the program navigates companies through the intricate landscape of human rights due diligence, fostering a corporate culture centered on respect, accountability, and positive societal impact.

In our collective pursuit of a world where each individual is treated with dignity, this accelerator program emerges as a potent force for transformative change. It beckons companies to actively engage, learn, and take decisive actions, positioning themselves as champions of human rights within the intricate tapestry of the global business landscape.

 The imperative to participate, learn, and act becomes not just a suggestion but a crucial mandate for those committed to shaping a future marked by universal human rights and ethical business practices.

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