

UN Global Impact SDG Innovation Accelerator 2024

UN Global Impact SDG Innovation Accelerator 2024

UN Global Impact SDG Innovation Accelerator 2024

Are you a young professional passionate about driving innovation in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? The UN Global Compact presents the SDG Innovation Accelerator, an exceptional nine-month program tailored for young talents within participating companies. 

This initiative empowers participants to collaborate and spearhead business innovations that contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.

Table of Contents

1. About United Nations UN Global Impact SDG Innovation Accelerator

2. Aim and Benefits of UN Global Impact SDG Innovation Accelerator

3. Requirements for UN Global Impact SDG Innovation Accelerator Qualification

4. Application Deadline

5. How to Apply

6. Eligibility and Requirements for UN Global Impact SDG Innovation Accelerator 2024

7. Application Deadline for UN Global Impact SDG Innovation Accelerator 2024

Unveiling the SDG Innovation Accelerator

The SDG Innovation Accelerator is a transformative nine-month program strategically designed for individuals within companies affiliated with the UN Global Compact network. 

It serves as a platform to activate the potential of future business leaders and changemakers, focusing on the development and implementation of innovative solutions aligned with the SDGs.

Program Highlights

Participants in this intensive program will embark on a journey of accelerated learning, collaboration, and innovation, with a goal to design sustainable business models, initiatives, and products. 

The program spans various aspects, including online and in-person workshops, case studies, company visits, and forum discussions. Here's a closer look at the key components:

1. Accelerated Learning Opportunities:

   - Engage in a blend of online and in-person workshops.

   - Dive into case studies relevant to sustainability and innovation.

   - Explore real-world sustainability challenges through company visits.

   - Participate in forum discussions to exchange ideas and insights.

2.Collaborative Projects:

   - Work on innovative projects tailored to your company and industry.

   - Collaborate with professionals from other businesses to address shared challenges.

   - Foster a collaborative environment that encourages knowledge sharing

3. Relationship Building:

   - Build valuable relationships through coaching, mentoring, and peer-to-peer networking.

   - Connect with a global network of talented young professionals from top companies worldwide.

4. Insights from Experts:

   - Gain insights from leading experts in sustainability and innovation.

   - Learn from professionals around the world who are driving positive change.

5. Global Recognition:

   - Receive global recognition for your company's participation in the program.

   - Showcase your commitment to sustainability and innovation on a global stage.

Eligibility and Requirements for UN Global Impact SDG Innovation Accelerator 2024

To qualify for the UN Global Compact SDG Innovation Accelerator, participants must meet the following criteria:

- High-performing professionals at participating companies of the UN Global Compact.

- Participants must be 35 years or younger.

- Interest in business-model innovation, sustainability, and disruptive technologies.

- Ability to dedicate a minimum of five (5) hours a month to the Accelerator.

Application Deadline for UN Global Impact SDG Innovation Accelerator 2024

The application deadline for the SDG Innovation Accelerator is January 31, 2024. To apply, interested and qualified individuals can click here.

The Accelerator Journey: Navigating Sustainable Innovation

The SDG Innovation Accelerator takes participants through a structured design thinking approach, centering around the SDGs. The nine-month journey progresses through five key phases, equipping participants with resources, tools, and methodologies:

1. SDG Exploration:

- Explore core concepts around business and the SDGs.

- Understand challenges facing businesses in the context of sustainable development.

2. Challenge Identification:

- Identify and prioritize specific SDGs relevant to your business.

- Assess the impact of your business on the chosen SDGs.

3. Challenge Definition:

- Use SDG impact and assessment tools to build ambitious challenges.

- Ensure challenges address real needs within your company.

4. Solutions Development:

- Generate new ideas through innovative processes.

- Move ideas from conceptualization to fully defined projects.

5. Solutions Testing and Validation:

- Refine project solutions through testing and validation.

- Engage with internal and external stakeholders to validate your innovations.

Seizing the Opportunity: Apply Now for a Sustainable Future

As the application deadline approaches on January 31, 2024, young professionals are encouraged to seize this unparalleled opportunity. The UN Global Compact SDG Innovation Accelerator is not just a program; it's a catalyst for transformative change, empowering the next generation of business leaders to shape a sustainable future.

UN Global Impact SDG Innovation Accelerator 2024 Benefits for Participants:

- Accelerated learning opportunities in workshops and case studies.

- Collaborative projects addressing real sustainability challenges.

- Valuable relationships through coaching, mentoring, and networking.

- Insights from global experts in sustainability and innovation.

- Membership in a global network of talented young professionals.

UN Global Impact SDG Innovation Accelerator 2024 Benefits for Companies:

- Application of SDG innovation to address real sustainability challenges.

- Integration of the SDGs into the company's business strategy.

- Enhancement of employee engagement and professional development.

- Access to a network of experts from leading global companies.

- Global recognition for the company's commitment to sustainability.

Transforming Aspirations into Impact

In conclusion, the UN Global Compact SDG Innovation Accelerator is not just a program; it's a transformative journey for young professionals and companies alike. 

It represents a commitment to driving sustainable business innovation, aligning with the SDGs, and making a positive impact on a global scale.

To embark on this transformative journey, visit the official UN Global Compact application portal here and submit your application before the January 31, 2024 deadline. 

Join the ranks of young innovators shaping the future of sustainable business. Your opportunity to contribute to global change starts here. Apply now!

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