

Mongabay Internship Program 2023-2024

Mongabay Internship Program 2023-2024


Mongabay Internship Program 2023-2024

Mongabay, a pioneer in the realm of conservation news, stands as a powerful platform for environmental science, energy, green design, and in-depth information on tropical rainforests. 

Since its establishment in 1999 by economist Rhett Ayers Butler, Mongabay has been on a mission to cultivate interest and appreciation for wildlands and wildlife while critically examining the impact of emerging local and global trends in technology, economics, and finance on conservation and development.

 Mongabay Internship Program: A Transformative Journey

The Mongabay Internship Program offers more than an opportunity; it's a transformative journey for emerging journalists keen on gaining firsthand experience in reporting and contributing to impactful, evidence-based environmental journalism. 

This immersive six-month program is meticulously designed to mentor budding journalists, expand their skill sets, and provide a global platform for their voices.

Benefits of Mongabay Internship Program

Participating in the Mongabay Internship Program provides a plethora of benefits:

  1. Publishing Experience in a High-Profile News Outlet: Interns have the unique opportunity to see their work published on Mongabay, a respected and widely read platform, amplifying their reach and impact.
  2. Learning About Journalistic Programs and Processes: Gain insights into the intricacies of journalistic programs and processes at Mongabay, offering a comprehensive understanding of how impactful environmental journalism is crafted.
  3. Becoming Part of a Community of Passionate Writers: Joining the Mongabay Internship Program means becoming part of a community of like-minded and talented writers. This shared passion for environmental journalism fosters collaboration, support, and a network that extends beyond the internship.
  4. Coaching and Support: Interns benefit from a meet-and-greet training session via Skype and Q&A with Mongabay staff. Working with different editors provides valuable guidance and feedback, facilitating growth in journalistic abilities.
  5. Development of Skills: Under the guidance of experienced editors and mentors, interns have the opportunity to enhance their writing and interviewing skills, ensuring a well-rounded skill set for future endeavors.
  6. Resume Building: The prestigious Mongabay Internship becomes a noteworthy addition to an intern's resume, distinguishing them in the competitive field of environmental journalism.
  7. Mongabay Letters of Reference and Personal Recommendations: Interns receive personalized letters of reference and recommendations from Mongabay, further enhancing their professional credentials and opening doors for future opportunities.

Requirements for Mongabay Internship Program Qualification

Mongabay seeks articulate, curious individuals driven by strong values and a passion for environmental journalism. Qualification requirements include:

  1. Excellent Communication Skills: A fundamental requirement for effective journalism, emphasizing the importance of conveying complex environmental issues to a broad audience.
  2. Self-Motivator: The ability to drive oneself towards excellence, showcasing initiative and dedication to the field.
  3. Passionate About Environmental Subjects: A genuine interest in and commitment to environmental issues, as passion often fuels the dedication required for impactful journalism.
  4. Positive Attitude: A mindset that embraces challenges with optimism, crucial for navigating the complexities of environmental reporting.
  5. Coachable and Open to Learning: Demonstrating a willingness to learn and adapt to new situations, an essential trait for professional growth.
  6. Strong Values – Personally and Professionally: A commitment to ethical values both personally and professionally, ensuring integrity in reporting.
  7. Problem-Solving Skills: The ability to approach challenges with a solution-oriented mindset, a valuable trait in the ever-evolving landscape of environmental journalism.

Selection Process for Mongabay Internship Program 2023-2024

Applicants will be notified in mid to late December, with selected interns commencing their term in January 2024. During this period, applicants are kindly requested to refrain from emailing regarding the status of their application.

 Documents Required for Application for Mongabay Internship Program 2023-2024

Applicants are required to submit the following documents:

1. Resume: Highlighting academic and professional achievements, providing an overview of the applicant's background and qualifications.

2. Cover Letter: An expression of interest in the program, detailing the values and skills the applicant brings to Mongabay, and demonstrating their understanding of the significance of environmental journalism.

3. Motivation Questions: Thoughtful responses to queries outlined in the application form, showcasing the applicant's dedication and insight into environmental issues.

4. Writing Sample: A sample from a journal entry or blog article, limited to 600 words, providing a glimpse into the applicant's writing style and ability to convey complex topics effectively. Alternatively, applicants can choose from three provided articles for a writing sample.

5. Optional Additional Writing Sample: An opportunity to showcase an additional piece of the applicant's work, limited to 600 words, allowing them to present a more comprehensive portfolio.

Application Deadline

The deadline for submitting Mongabay Internship Program 2023-2024 applications is November 28, 2023.

How to Apply for Mongabay Internship Program 2023-2024

Interested and qualified individuals can initiate the application process by clicking here. Seize this opportunity to be part of a transformative internship program that not only hones your journalistic skills but also allows your voice to contribute to impactful environmental journalism.

In the realm of environmental journalism, the Mongabay Internship Program stands as a beacon, offering aspiring journalists the chance to make a difference. 

Seize this opportunity to be part of a community dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues and shaping the future of journalism. Apply now and become a catalyst for positive change in the world of environmental reporting.

Stay updated on additional scholarship opportunities, educational insights, and inspirational content by following our blog. Mongabay is not just a platform for environmental news; it's a community committed to nurturing the next generation of environmental journalists. Stay informed, stay inspired, and embark on a journey of impactful storytelling with Mongabay.

Follow us on Facebook @ for more educational and scholarship opportunities, ensuring you stay informed about avenues that could further enhance your career aspirations.


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