

The New Ghana Social Justice Forum assists voiceless woman in recovering her snatched land

The New Ghana Social Justice Forum assists voiceless woman in recovering her snatched land

Photo credit: Freepik

The New Ghana Social Justice Forum, a non-governmental organization that helps defend and restore the rights of voiceless women and children in Ghana, has aided a woman retrieve her land which was taken from her under threats and intimidation.

Background of the story:

 In Sawaba, Kumasi, a man has taken possession of a woman's land after threatening to kill or drive her son insane over a jewelry. 

The father said that the necklace, which belonged to his older daughter, was worth roughly a 100,000 cedis (one billion old cedis).

The victim, a food vendor named Hummu Alhassan, claimed, in an exclusive interview with that she was at home when Abdul Moomen Aberger, the perpetrator, sent his son to her.

When Mr. Aberger's son and his sister Haira Moomen showed up at Madam Hummu's house, they announced that they were searching for Madam Hummu's son, Ahmed Abdul Bahdi.

Then Madam Hummu asked them why they were chasing her son. He said that their older sister's necklace, which Haira had given to Ahmed Abdul Bahdi to sell, was in Haira's possession.

 When he arrives at her house, Mr. Aberger's son told her that his father had asked him to call, so she encouraged him to do so. 

Mr. Aberger was furious while he was on the phone.  He told her that after seeing a fetish priest, he was informed that her son possessed the necklace; however, Haira, Mr. Aberger's daughter, had brought it to Ahmed for sale so that he (Ahmed) could use the proceeds for travel. Ahmed added that he was not aware the necklace was a stolen one and that Haira had stolen it from her elder sister.

Because Ms. Haira Abdul Moomen and Ahmed Abdul Bahdi are in love, Haira decided to take that action.

 Madam Hummu offered directions to enraged Mr. Aberger when he demanded to know where she lived, and the following morning, he appeared at her front door.

When Madam Hummu questioned Mr. Aberger about the event's timeframe in her narration, he said that it occurred roughly a year ago. She then asked him why, after a year, he hadn't informed anyone. 

"I had no knowledge of the issue and where am I  going to find the necklace?" She stated 

Mr. Aberger gave Madam Hummu three options to choose one from in a ferocious and intimidating manner:

1. He intends to murder Ahmed Abdul Bahdi

2. Or drive him insane, and

3. She covers the necklace cost with 100,000 (one billion old cedis.)

Thus, under coercion, Madam Hummu told him that he had observed her state ever since he arrived at her home. That's not how much money she has. But she possesses a land. She will hand it to him so he can sell it. That will end things if he sells and makes a billion cedis doing so.

The two proceeded to a post office the following day to sign and hand over Mr. Aberger Hummu's land.

Then he asked her to bring him to the chief she had purchased the land from. After being brought to the chief's palace by Madam Hummu, he inquired about the land's value.

The land cost approximately 80,000 cedis  (800 million old cedis), he was told. 

No, Mr. Aberger responded, not in relation to the necklace value. Then, Madam Hummu responded that if that is the case, she would also give him her jewelry.

After she completed her vending the next day, she went to a real estate developer and told him about her experience. She took him to inspect the land when he asked to, and he assured her that he would find a buyer, which he did.

The buyer asked for the site plan but still wanted to pay 140,000 cedis (1.4 billion  old cedis) for the land. Everything was with Mr. Aberger, she said. Then, she called Mr. Aberger to let him know that she had found a buyer who was prepared to pay more than the necklace asking price. He should get the buyer's phone number and transmit the site plan to the buyer's over WhatsApp.

Wildly, Mr. Aberger informed her that since she had given him the documentation pertaining to the land, it was none of her business.  She should go and bring her necklace to offer him as well; she has no business interfering with the affairs of the land.

He would not take the buyer's number, so she was at a loss for what to do. She handed him her jewelry as a result of her fear.

After a month, Madam Hummu was at home when Mr. Aberger called. He angrily informed her that no one had expressed interest in purchasing the land at the price he had offered, and that she should advise her son to find money and give it to him or risk having her son killed.

At that point, according to Madam Hummu, she grew indignant and frustrated and asked Mr. Aberger to go ahead with his threats.

Mr. Aberger and his spouse started spewing profanities and obscenities over the phone.

When she told Mr. Aberger to go with his threats on Ahmed, his uncle heard her talking loudly.

He suggested that she take the problem to the police station, which she did, and that she and her son Ahmed write a statement.

In addition, Mr. Aberger was called to the station to record his statement; however, he wasn't accompanied by his daughter, Haira.

Weeks after they visited the police station, Mr, Aberger sent someone to find and bring Ahmed to him.

The person Mr. Aberger sent to locate Ahmed approached Ahmed's friends and requested Ahmed's phone number.

Madam Hummu claims that after Ahmed's friends came to tell her about it, she told a different man who happened to be a family acquaintance.

The man she told about it contacted the person sent to locate Ahmed and inquired as to why he was searching for him.

At that point, the man sent to locate Ahmed said to him that he was also perplexed as to why Mr. Aberger had ordered him to locate and bring Ahmed to him. He merely wanted to ask Ahmed what was going on because he knew Ahmed and his family.

The family acquaintance contacted her while the contracted man was present, according to Madam Hummu, and they spoke.

According to Madam Hummu, the man informed her that Mr. Aberger estimated the necklace cost to be around 200,000 cedis (2 billion old cedis) and promised to use all of his resources to ensure Ahmed's imprisonment.

Then she told the man that the necklace was worth 100,000 cedis (1 billion old cedis), according to the same Mr. Aberger.

She went back to the police station to inform them of the most recent information regarding Mr. Aberger's request for someone to locate and deliver Ahmend to him.

The police commander told her to warn her son to watch where he walks.

As a result of the aforementioned, Madam Hummu Alhassan  requested the assistance of The New Ghana Social Justice Forum in order to reclaim her land from Mr. Aberger.

The New Ghana Social Justice Forum ,as at the time of drafting this story, has successfully reclaimed Madam Hummu Alhassan's land for her.

By Kandey Alhassan


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