

AWF Charles R. Wall Leadership Program for Young Africans 2024

AWF Charles R. Wall Leadership Program for Young Africans 2024

AWF Charles R. Wall Leadership Program

Call for Applications: AWF Charles R. Wall Leadership Program for Young Africans 2024

Table of Content

Benefits of AWF Charles R. Wall Leadership Program

Requirements for AWF Charles R. Wall Leadership Program

Application Deadline for AWF Charles R. Wall Leadership Program 2024

How to Apply for AWF Charles R. Wall Leadership Program 2024

The African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) is excited to announce the opening of applications for the Charles R. Wall Leadership Program, comprising two distinct components: the Charles R. Wall Young African Policy Fellows, entering its third cohort, and the Charles R. Wall Conservation Leadership and Management Fellowship, now gearing up for its second cohort. 

Both initiatives aim to cultivate a united community of professionals spanning diverse sectors, all driven by a shared passion for making a lasting impact on the world through conservation.

The Young African Policy Fellows Program is a collaboration between AWF and the U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP). 

It concentrates on honing technical and practical policy-making skills, drawing guidance from key International Environmental Governance bodies, with a specific focus on the upcoming 16th conference of the parties (COP) for the Convention on Biological Diversity slated for later this year in Columbia.

The inaugural Conservation Leadership and Management Fellowship is an AWF-led, pioneering pan-African leadership initiative tailored for young African professionals in the conservation sector.

Emphasizing self-leadership, team leadership, and organizational leadership, this program brings together individuals from government, NGOs, the private sector, and community-based organizations making significant contributions in the environmental space. 

Known as the CLMF program, it aims to equip today's leaders with transformative leadership and management skills, propelling us closer to the shared goals of the continent.

Benefits of AWF Charles R. Wall Leadership Program

Over the past two years, the 9-month intensive programs have successfully graduated 43 fellows, establishing a dynamic community of like-minded individuals who continue to learn from each other well beyond the program’s completion.

Requirements for AWF Charles R. Wall Leadership Program

Both programs, slated to commence in April 2024, will enroll a group of 30 young leaders (15 in each program). 

The fellowship equips participants with tools, resources, and knowledge to spearhead systemic change that extends beyond the environmental sector into unconventional spaces. 

The call is extended to African youth aged 20-35 years to apply for either of the two training programs, involving virtual workshops and a corresponding physical workshop in Nairobi, Kenya.

Policy fellows will have opportunities to actively participate in national and international policymaking meetings and conventions, while leadership and management fellows will apply acquired skills through placements in successful conservation organizations and development partners.

Application Deadline for AWF Charles R. Wall Leadership Program 2024

February 3, 2024 is the deadline for AWF Charles R. Wall Leadership Program 2024.

How to Apply for AWF Charles R. Wall Leadership Program 2024

Prospective candidates are required to submit a motivation letter detailing why they wish to be considered, along with a Curriculum Vitae and a reference letter from their university, employer, or any senior individual with whom they have closely collaborated. 

The recruitment process may include an online or pre-recorded video interview. All applications must be submitted online. For inquiries, please email with the subject line 'Charles R. Wall Young African Policy Fellows' or 'Charles R. Wall Conservation Leadership and Management Fellowship,' depending on the program of interest. Please note that only successful applicants will be contacted.

In conclusion, the AWF Charles R. Wall Leadership Program for Young Africans stands as a beacon of opportunity for the continent's emerging leaders in conservation. As we anticipate the commencement of the third cohort for the Charles R. Wall Young African Policy Fellows and the second cohort for the revamped Charles R. Wall Conservation Leadership and Management Fellowship, it is evident that these programs are instrumental in creating a collaborative community of professionals from diverse sectors.

The success of the previous 43 graduates, forming a vibrant network of like-minded individuals, is a testament to the effectiveness of the 9-month intensive programs. Beyond the structured training period, this community continues to thrive, fostering ongoing learning and collaboration among its members.

As the application deadline approaches on February 3, 2024, we extend this call to African youth aged 20-35 to seize this unique opportunity for personal and professional growth. The programs, with their emphasis on policy-making skills, leadership development, and practical conservation management, aim to equip participants with the tools and knowledge needed to catalyze systemic change.

Whether engaging in national and international policymaking or gaining hands-on experience through placements in impactful conservation organizations, the opportunities presented through this leadership program are boundless. We encourage prospective candidates to submit their applications online, accompanied by a motivation letter, Curriculum Vitae, and a reference letter.

As we look forward to welcoming the next cohort of leaders, we are confident that the AWF Charles R. Wall Leadership Program will continue to contribute significantly to the conservation landscape, nurturing a generation of passionate individuals committed to making a lasting impact on Africa and the world.

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